Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. When anxiety gets out of control and interferes with the quality of life, help should be sought. To get an accurate diagnosis, one should make an appointment with a mental health professional. There are different types of anxiety.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the most common type of anxiety. It is characterized by free flowing anxiety. People who experience it constantly feel uptight and nervous. They tend to overly worry. They report feelings of restlessness and often feel their life is out of control.
Social Phobia is an irrational fear of being in social situations. One feels watched or judged when they are around others. They may feel uncomfortable eating in public. Usually fear of public speaking is also present.
Agoraphobia is the fear of unfamiliar places. People with this disorder are afraid to go anywhere that is new. This can keep them hostage in their homes. Agoraphobia can be present with or without a panic disorder.
A Panic Disorder includes psychological and physical symptoms. It is characterized by a general feeling of impending doom. During a panic attack, people report feeling numb or weak. Their heat beats fast and their bodies can sweat so much that they think they are having a heart attack.
Specific Phobias include intense negative feelings toward situations, objects, animals or other things. People with a specific phobia will avoid a particular place at any cost. An example would be a fear of driving over bridges. Someone with this type of phobia will drive miles out of the way to avoid a bridge.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a stress disorder that occurs after someone has experienced a trauma. Someone who has returned from combat may have seen someone die. If they internalize this, they may feel responsible for the death. This leads to rethinking and living the trauma over and over again.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is an unrealistic thought that cannot be shaken. Someone with OCD, may dwell on the fear of shooting their pet. They may obsess over this in spite of the fact they have never shot any animal before and they do not own a gun. Additionally they may feel compulsions which are intense desires to perform ritualistic activity. An example would be someone who washes his hands with a new bar of soap every time they wash. Someone with OCD may know their compulsions and obsessions are irrational but cannot stop themselves.
All of the above can be treated effectively with therapy and counseling . We are experienced in treating anxiety disorders. Call for an appointment.